The Last of the Demon Slayers is out!

November 8, 2010

Hey all, I have a fun announcement – The Last of the Demon Slayers releases today! What? You ask. It’s a month early? You say. Yes, it is. But I can release it early, so I thought why wait? Call it my treat for you.

Now don’t expect all of my books early. This is a special circumstance. As many of you may know, the publisher of the Accidental Demon Slayer books has been having trouble distributing books and paying authors. Dorchester wasn’t meeting its contractual obligations, so after thinking long and hard on it, I decided to take back the rights to The Last of the Demon Slayers.

I have to tell you, it’s the strangest feeling to be back in control of this book. As I was telling my agent, there are days when I can barely find my car keys. But I owed it to the book and to you, my readers.

The Last of the Demon Slayers is a great addition to the series. I’m so stinking proud of how all of the elements came together on this one – Lizzie, the biker witches, Pirate, Flappy the dragon. They’re on a cross-country road trip where anything can (and does) happen.

Amazon is going to release The Last of the Demon Slayers as an ebook first. We’re still working on a date for the paperback release. But even if you don’t have an e-reader, you can still get the book on Kindle for PC (what I use) or Kindle for Mac. Nook, Kobo and other electronic versions will be up in the next week or so.

Oh and of course we have a new fun quiz. Can’t release a book without a bit of goofiness. What’s Your Biker Witch Weapon of Choice? Mine is the Mange Spell. It wards off demons, gremlins and telemarketers.  Pirate was excited to get the Anti Imp Cannon. It works like a potato shooter, only with more sparks. And you know how Pirate likes to take charge.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for all of your emails wondering just when we’d have this book out. Today is a good day. I’m so glad Lizzie and the gang are on their way to readers, full speed ahead on a new adventure.


17 Responses to “The Last of the Demon Slayers is out!”

  1. Jane Says:

    Happy Release Day, Angie.

  2. Angie Fox Says:

    Thanks! I just love this book and am so glad it’s getting out to readers.

  3. Patricia Says:

    Thanks for doing your best. I hope those publishing problems get worked out.

  4. Cheryl Says:

    Glad to see the release of the new book, only wish it was for the nook though too.

  5. Angie Fox Says:

    Hey Cheryl, the book should be up on Nook in the next few weeks. We’ve given them the files and now it’s a matter of getting into their system. Knowing the biker witches, they’ll barge right through.

  6. anna Says:

    Yay for the ebook release, and congratulations on getting rid of the Dorch albatross. I look forward to being able to purchase the print version 🙂

  7. Franny Says:

    Thank you! I will be making my purchase on Friday!

  8. Ruth Thompson Says:

    Congratulations Angie! TimTams coming your way Monday.

  9. Franny Says:

    I bought this on Amazon Kindle Friday, started it late Saturday night and finished it Sunday afternoon. I reviewed it on Amazon and have it 5/5 stars. Wonderful addition to the Demon Slayer series. Thank you for all the work you put into it. I also want to thank you for making available for only 4.99!

  10. Becky Says:

    It is sad that it is only in e version- I have 3 orders for the paper and most of your readers in our store don’t want an e-version. I really hope the book comes out soon, our readers like paper and I don’t want to have to burst their bubbles too much longer.

  11. Angie Fox Says:

    Thanks for posting, Becky. I hope to have the print version out soon – as in before it would have originally released. We’re finalizing the back cover and I turned in my galley changes a few days ago. Know that we’re working hard on this end!

  12. Jessica Mell Says:

    I was wondering what the print version release date was? Or originally was scheduled for so I can have something to look forward to.

  13. Angie Fox Says:

    We’re hoping to have that print release in the next few weeks. I just approved final cover and content, so now it’s a matter of them putting the books together. I’ll be sure to send out a newsletter blast and also update the site once we have the print versions.

  14. Calliope Says:

    The print edition will be available in bookstores just like it would have been, right? I’m in Canada and I’d HATE to miss out on it!

    • Angie Fox Says:

      Yes! As soon as they finish printing and get it to the distributors, then any bookstore in Canada can get it. We’re getting close. I’ll be sure to put out an email blast and announce it on the website as soon as print edition is available to booksellers. Thanks for hanging in there with me!


  15. krista Says:

    Sorry you’ve had so many issues with the previous publisher, Angie! Looking so forward to the latest installment – I know it will be more than worth it. Hope the getting the paperback out is easier for you.

  16. Angie Fox Says:

    Thanks, Krista! It’s working out pretty well. Hoping to have that print edition out in January…

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