Super cool book-y goodness

February 3, 2009

db4ds-blog-versionOkay, so the ARC contest is still going on below, but guess what? I don’t have my ARCs yet. The only thing released so far is the excerpt. The ARCs will be here soon, I’m sure. But in the mean time, well, I can’t wait.

So, I’m giving away an original manuscript. You literally can’t get this book, or this kind of manuscript, anywhere else. I’m taking one of my copies, binding it, signing it and sending it out to a lucky reader. Enter here (just comment below) or enter at my group blog, Something Wicked, and good luck!

109 Responses to “Super cool book-y goodness”

  1. Suzanne J Says:

    Ooh! Ooh! Or should I say “woof, woof?” Ever since I read The Accidental Demon Slayer, my Irish Terrier Shane has been talking her head off and I’ve had the strangest urge to ride a Harley. Love your work!

  2. Vicki Says:

    That is the coolest kinda of ARC. 🙂 I’m posting the link on my blog.

  3. Angie Fox Says:

    Thanks! I’m having such a good time with this series. And tell Shane that Pirate will be there to pick her up in an hour. .

  4. Woot! I can’t believe the second one will be coming out soon (hey, May isn’t that far off and isn’t it coming out the last Tuesday in April?).

  5. Jackie B Says:

    Thanks for the heads-up on this! I can’t wait to see what you have in store next. Mmm…especially with a certain griffin.

  6. Donna S Says:

    Great giveaway. I cant wait to read this.

  7. Houston A.W. Knight Says:


    Vicki has told me so much about you and about your awesome books…so I’ve entered here and on Vicki’s blog to double my chances at winning one of your books.

    Fingers are crossed

  8. SciFiGuy Says:

    Wow what a unique opportunity. Count me in!

  9. katayoun Says:

    WOW!!! would love to be entered please!

  10. Angie Fox Says:

    So true, Jackie. It does seem like we just released The Accidental Demon Slayer, and now we have Dangerous Book. But I tell you, I’m so excited for readers to get their hands on this book.

    The Demon Slayer universe has evolved, Vegas was a blast to write as a setting and I can’t believe how much Lizzie grows in this book. And yes, Jackie B, you get more of the studly Dimitri. Yum.

  11. Ruth Says:

    Loved the first book and excited at the chance to get to read the volume so quickly.

  12. Brandy W Says:

    This is a pretty freakin’ cool thing you are doing. Vicki had it on her blog so I came on over to check you out.

  13. Angie Fox Says:

    Thanks! When I told my husband what I was doing, he asked, “Well, what if there’s a typo?” I told him that was part of original, author goodies. But, really, I promise no typos. There might be a few author notes in the margins, but that’s about it.

  14. Renee Says:

    Yeah!!! This is so exciting. I loved the Accidental Demon Slayer and have been eagerly awaiting April.

  15. Brenda Schnettler Says:

    So excited that the 2nd book in the series is coming out!! I am so proud of you Angie!

  16. Julia Says:


    I loved the first book! I can’t wait for the second!

  17. Kelly Says:

    I loved The Accidental Demon Slayer. It was so funny and grabbed you right from the start! I cant wait til the second one comes out! One word – Awesome! 🙂

  18. Jessica Says:

    Thanks!! 🙂 I loved the first one I stayed up all night reading it! And I’ve always loved motorcycles – I used to ride on my Dads with him when I was little.

  19. Keri Kaeding Says:

    It cold out there. I’ve been snowed in for the better part of two weeks. It would warm my heart, my cockles (whatever they are) and lots of other things that need warming to win an ARC of the ARC (because I’ve finished ADS and I just don’t want to wait any more!)

  20. Laurie K Says:

    Very cool – sounds like another winner

  21. Susan Says:

    Angie – I’m so excited about TDB of DS! Love the covers, so cool. The books can’t come soon enough!

  22. Brandy C Says:

    what a great idea. Thank you for being that generous as to hold this kind of a contest. I loved the 1st book and can’t wait to see what is going to happen next.

  23. JohnnyC Says:

    Loved the talking terrier. Harleys aren’t bad either. I just made sure my library has ordered “Dangerous”. Keep ’em coming!

  24. Mary in HB Says:

    This is such a cool contest! I would read it even if it was written on a bathroom stall. I am impatiently waiting for the second installment.

  25. Peggy Says:

    I love to win books – makes my book-budget stretch further!

    Accidental Demon Slayer was a fun read. Can’t wait for this one.


  26. patricia Says:

    Fantastic!! I can’t even imagine what it would be like to win a copy in this form. I would probably run up and down the block, yelling and waving it in the air. I read the fist one too. The characters had me hooked. I’m ready for round two.

  27. Rose Anthony Says:

    I would LOVE to have a manufscript for the new book. I know all of us have been looking forward to it being published….but a manuscript is even better!

    Thanks for Series

    Rose Anthony

  28. Zoe Says:

    What an awesome idea! I loved the zaniness of the first book and can’t wait for April to read about what happens to Lizzie next.

  29. Penny Says:

    The first book was a blast- when I read the back cover I knew I had to have it. Being a biker girl myself, it was an absolute must.

    I’m really looking forward to the next one, and who wouldn’t love an opportunity for a one-of-a-kind ‘sneak preview’- very cool!

  30. Angela Says:

    Oh, it would be so cool to win! I loved Accidental Demon Slayer and can’t wait to read the next book.

  31. Beverly Says:

    Dear Angie,

    Thank you so very much for writing such a wonderful book. For the first time and a really long time I actually belly laughed out loud. You brought light into a dark time for me. I got lost in your book and forgot everything else. I can’t wait for the adventure to continue.

  32. Anya Golda Says:

    I read ‘The Accidental Demon Slayer’ in one sitting . . . and I “hate” that because then the waiting and pining begins for the next book needless to say I can’t wait to read “The Dangerous Book for Demon Slayers’.

  33. Deidre Says:

    What a one of a kind prize! I’m a collector of all things, much to my husband’s dismay, so I would love to win it!

    deidre_durance at hotmail dot com

  34. Peggy Says:

    This is my first time entering a comment here; took me a few minutes to figure it out and I’m not sure I got it right.
    I recently discovered the first book, and read it a few weeks ago. I simply cannot wait for the next book to come out and had to jump at the chance to be able to read it early. I have become a huge fan and you are my absolute favorite author!

  35. Zita Says:

    Count me in!

  36. I didn’t win any of the copies of Dust of 100 Dogs that I tried for. Maybe I’ll have better luck with this one.

  37. Mary Ann Says:

    Hi Angie, I read your first one and loved it!! Can’t wait to read this one and it would so be so awesome to win your personal ARC.
    Mary Ann

  38. Karin Says:

    Sometimes it takes so long to get a book in print that I forget what happened in the earlier books. This is one way to keep that from happening!

  39. Angie Fox Says:

    Thanks, everybody! I’m really excited about this book. And right now, it’s driving me crazy that nobody has it but me. But that’ll change soon, right?

  40. Angie Fox Says:

    I’m honored to hear that, Beverly. I’ve had books do that for me too.

  41. Angie Fox Says:

    Yay – thanks, Peggy!

    And Mary Ann, I like you you put that – winning my personal ARC. That’s pretty much what it is. I was wishing I had ARCs to give away, then I looked over to the manuscript on the counter and went, hey…

  42. Betty Says:

    I absolutely loved your first book. It was great!

  43. Teresa W Says:

    Loved the first one and can’t wait to get this one!

  44. LauraR Says:

    Hey I’m just happy that “The Dangerous Book for Demon Slayers” will be coming out soon. But the opportunity to get to read it even sooner is irresistible!


  45. Cari Quinn Says:

    Very cool contest, Angie! Count me in…and best of luck with your latest release! 🙂

  46. Leah Says:

    This is so cool. Good Luck on your newest release.

  47. Valarie P Says:

    Oooh, sign me up. I loved the first book (which I think was my first UF book, and got me wanting more), and I have been anxiously waiting for this one. I love this series. So glad the 2nd book is out in only a couple more months.

  48. Katrina Says:

    OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! *doing the Snoopy happy dance here!*

    I can’t WAIT for the second book to come out and hopefully I’ll be fortunate enough to get the original manuscript so I can neener neener to my best friend! Who, by the way, is now hooked on the Accidental Demon Slayer thanks to me! 🙂

    *fingers crossed*

    Katrina 🙂

  49. Donna Says:

    Ooooh Ooooh pick ME!!!

  50. Ande Mallett Says:

    Hey great books! I can’t wait to read the next one in the series. I hope all is going well.

  51. Chris J. Says:

    Hi Angie! This is way Awesome and please count me in!! After reading it, you’d have to put it in like a display box!!
    Can’t wait to read the new one!!

  52. Liviania Says:

    Way cool prize! It’s nice that you’re giving one of your manuscripts away.

  53. Tammy Says:

    Sweet! I can’t wait to read the next book either, but the prospect of winning a signed manuscript is too cool!

  54. i would love to get a manuscript. never even seen one before!

  55. danette Says:

    Hi Angie,
    I’d love a chance to read BOOK 2! April is so far away , I’m excited to read more about Lizzie and Dimitri 😀

    Hugs, Danette

  56. Becky Asher Says:

    Oh yea! New book happiness! Can’t wait. Love the vibrant blue cover. Hope that you’ll think about doing another signing.


  57. Pam Brizendine Says:

    I loved the first book, I’m sure the second will be just as great!! I can’t wait to read it!

  58. Mona Says:

    I cannot wait — have started re-reading the first one!

  59. Pam Keener Says:

    I have already preordered this book from amazon but would love a chance to win one too.
    Love & Hugs, Pam

  60. Debby Creager Says:

    I would so love to have one of your maniscripts. that would be so exciting.

  61. Jenny Medenwald Says:

    Can’t wait to read it!! Hopefully before the release date!!


  62. neva Says:

    i cant wait!!!

  63. Vicki Says:

    I absolutely loved the first book and the second will be a must read… is already on my wishlist

  64. Angel Says:

    I can’t wait for the new book! I absolutely loved the first one!!!

  65. catie Says:

    Wow, what a wickedly cool treat! Thank you so much for giving us a chance at this early sneak peek Angie. 🙂

  66. Jeni Says:

    Wow, what an awesome giveaway! Loved the first book and can’t wait to read the second one!!

  67. Matt Shively Says:

    Can’t wait for the next book. Still need you to sign the first one for me:)

  68. BlakeyGirl Says:

    oooo this contest rocks!! i loved the last book and can’t wait for the next one!!

  69. Shirley H Says:

    Would love to read this soon! Still have to get a copy later to have Pirate’s pic. What a sweetheart!

  70. Lynn Littrell Says:

    I loved your book, read it in one sitting and could not put it down, it made me laugh out loud, I loved the whole thing and wanted it to go on and on, looking forward to book 2, 3, 4, 10 etc.

  71. Wow that is very cool of you Angie! I have been dying to read your new book and would love to win this. Very very cool!!

  72. Tabatha B Says:

    I love this. My mother used to ride before she broke her neck. She can still walk but it’s hard for her to sit or stand for too long. I have always loved motorcycles, for as long as I can remember they have been a large part of my life. I loved your books because they brought me back to my childhood. I myself would ride but I have seizures now and can’t, so thank you for letting me feel the wind and that sweet hum of the ride through your words!

    Much love and may your muses inspire you,

  73. Cindi Says:

    What a fabulous prize giveaway drawing! I would be honored to read your book before anyone else. Please enter my name in your drawing. I appreciate it very much…..Thanks, Cindi

  74. wendy Says:

    egads!!! good golly mizz molly! and holy guacamole! i loved….. the first book. like when i just saw the cover at the book store i said, “must get…” although im not sure if i did sound like a zombie… oh well! lol i would love the manuscript though. trully ully ully… i wonder if i make sense in this comment. lol :]

  75. keatonkat Says:

    Oh wow and how!! Would love to win – (have to be honest) wouldn’t want to miss this ride!

    Thanks for being a writer!


  76. The Accidental Demon Slayer is on my favorites shelf right now and I’ve been dying to read the next part of the story so please oh please, pretty please, enter me for Book 2. I’d so love to be one of the first to have the honor of reading Dangerous! I’ll even invite Ant Eater and the gang into my home for lunch if they want to hand deliver it to me.

  77. Crystal Says:

    Ooh, this is such a cool contest, count me in! Thanks so much for doing this!

  78. Carol Thompson Says:

    Well Angie,

    From the number of comments and their content, it seems that you have got hold of a best-seller here.

    I certainly hope this translates into lots of sales for you.

    Now be nice and send me the signed manuscript so I can sell it for $1,000,000 in ten years or so.



  79. Jerri Lynn Says:

    Hi Angie! Accidental Demon Slayer was a riot! Loved every bit of it. I am soooo excited to read Dangerous…. Thank you, thank you, thank you for such a great read.

  80. Linda Says:

    I’m so psyched for the second book!! I wish it were April already!! Thanks for this great giveaway–please enter my name in so maybe I won’t have to wait until the end of April!!!


  81. Debbie Says:

    Definately count me in Angie, I will even be nice and give my reading group a peek to inspire them to read all of your other books!

    I have the Accidental Demon Slayer, but I have not read it yet, so I will have to be sure to read it before I win the manuscript LOL (I am feeling very lucky today).

  82. Missy Taylor Says:

    OOO… ::wiping the drool:: mentally chanting ‘please let it be me’

  83. Kim Chalfen Says:

    OHHHHHH, to have that would be so cool. I can drop the book I’m reading now to read that one instead. That would make my year to get that book.

  84. Michelle Says:

    awesome contest. great writing. thanks.

  85. Charlene Robinson Says:

    I’d love to win!!!

  86. Angie Fox Says:

    Oh my, you’re right. The “neener neener” possibilities. Too funny! Glad everyone is so excited. I just can’t wait for this book to be out.

  87. Angie Fox Says:

    Oh wow, Tabitha. You just gave me goosebumps. Thank you so much. That is the reason writers write.

  88. Angie Fox Says:

    And, hey, Carol – that’s the entrepreneural spirit. I can give the winner a choice if they want the pristine manuscript currently residing on my kitchen counter (the one that started all this), or my personal version – one that’s slightly marked up with my notes for the third book. Choice is yours!

  89. Joyce Hurley Evans Says:

    I love your book and can not wait for the next. I have passed it around to all of my friends which really didn’t take long because they loved it so much they would read it in a couple of days. Some even were sneaky and took it to work. LOL. We can’t wait and they will buy their own this time so that mine doesn’t get so ragged out.

  90. Shannon Says:

    Thanks for giving away one of your copies. What a cool idea. I got your link off another site. I am definately going to check out your first book. Pre-marriage I was a preschool teacher at a private academic school and believe me there were days when you wish you were off doing something more adventurous like slaying demons. Now I’m a stay at home mom and am battling the potty training demon right now!

  91. Stacey Says:

    okay–so I am total froot loop the past few days. I wasn’t sure which place to leave my reply–so now i have been to both Anways–Jo and I both are anxiously awaiting any little tid bit that we can get about your new book–(or any after that)–i’m quite sure she has been counting down the days until the release date–just as I have. Until then–we’ll be here–jonesing for a decent book to glue our eyeballs to.

  92. Summer Steelman Says:

    I love your first book!!! I recommend it to everyone and am counting the days to the second one! By the way, where can I get my own griffin? 🙂

  93. Tammy Mohler-Avery Says:

    My bad a$$ Jack Russell Petey and I are dying to read book 2 – please may I have one, please please please! (Petey is panting and scratching at the keyboard!)

  94. Tammy Mohler-Avery Says:

    My biker witch name is Easy Edna Fancy Pants!

  95. […] ALERT – Angie Fox is giving away an original manuscript of her upcoming novel, The Dangerous Book for Demon Slayers, the sequal to The Accidental Demon […]

  96. Willow Says:

    Wow! What an amazing idea for a contest prize. Please sign me up!

  97. Debbie Says:

    Ok after seeing all the post everyone has made I am going to have to go ahead and read “Accidental Demon” out of order from the rest of my group LOL. I don’t think I can wait! Then I will be ready for the manuscript I am going to win! LOL

  98. Debbie Says:

    My Biker Chick name is Easy Edna Bumpy Pants. I think that deserves to win The Dangerous Book for Demon Slayers, just to make up for the “Bumpy” part LOL

  99. Barb P Says:

    WOW! What a fantastic idea! I would love to have the manuscript. I loved The Accidental Demon Slayer and can’t wait for the next one. I sure do hope you pick me * LOL * Thanks for running such a unique contest!!

  100. Leann L. Says:

    You know I loved your book! I read it in one day – Can’t wait for the next one, it really looks like fun. Thanks a lot! Love Ya Leann

  101. Terri Grimes Says:

    Well, now that does it. I will give you my first born for winning this contest. Oh what the heck, you can have all three of them! They are adults so they are almost house-broken.

    Seriously, not only would I devor every word, but then I would frame it in a box frame. I even went out today and bought a box frame in anticipation. (well not really, but it sounded good. Heh heh)

  102. Pamk Says:

    wow nice contest. Loved the first book and would to win this special arc.

  103. MonieG Says:

    What an incredible prize. Thanks for offering this great giveaway. The Accidental Demon Slayer is in my TBR pile and I can’t wait to get to it!!

  104. Sharon Yool Says:

    I love your characters, especially the biker grandma. Your unique ideas keep me reading until I can’t keep my eyes open any longer. I’m so glad that there is a new book. Can’t wait to see what happens next.

    Sharon from Newark

  105. Darcy Jones Says:

    Your first book was great, could hardly put it down!! Can’t wait to read the next one, anxiously awaiting its relese! Great Job on the first one Angie!! 🙂

  106. Victoria Foster Says:

    Hi Angie:

    I cannot WAIT for the next book. “Accidental Demon Slayer” was fantastic…….When, oh when is the next one coming out?????????? Sorry to sound desparte, but I am…….

  107. Looney Libby Flat Foot Says:

    Wow great idea. Looking forward to reading your next book.

  108. flip Says:

    I have to comment on your dogs on bikers blog. Several years ago, I picked up my daughter, Amber, from kindergarten. I was pretty excited to tell her about my exciting day.
    Me: “Guess what I say today?”
    Amber: “What?”
    Me: “I saw a dog riding a motorcycle.”
    Amber in a skeptical voice: “Sure, you saw a dog riding a motorcyle.”
    Luckily for me, just then a motorcycle drove by with a a dog sitting on the back, behind the driver.

    Amber: “Mom, did you see that?”
    Me and Amber:”A dog riding a motorcycle.”

  109. Lisa Says:

    Awesome book. Can’t wait for it to be released. I just finished The Accidental Demon Slayer in less than a day and want more!

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